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August 30, 2020
SINGAPORE: A minister arrives for an event when gunmen open fire. The minister’s Personal Security Officer (PSO) quickly shields him and pulls him towards his car, crouching as they go.…
August 21, 2020
SINGAPORE: The cyber hygiene of Singapore residents still has some room for improvement, says the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA). In the Cybersecurity Public Awareness Survey 2019 released on…
August 20, 2020
SINGAPORE: The drone industry in Singapore is taking off, with more companies turning to unmanned aerial vehicles for purposes like infrastructure inspection and deliveries. In April, local start-up F-Drones became…
August 06, 2020
Singapore are trialling two pilotless drones to help enforce social distancing measures aimed at containing the spread of COVID-19. The small machines weigh 22lb and are programmed to track anomalies…
August 04, 2020
LYON, France: Global police body Interpol warned on Monday (Aug 3) of an “alarming” rate of cybercrime during the coronavirus pandemic, with criminals taking advantage of people working from home…
August 02, 2020
SINGAPORE: On the outside, the Singapore Police Force’s new fast response car has all the bells and whistles of a sophisticated, smart vehicle: A remote-controlled searchlight on the roof, sensors…
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